Daily/Weekly Forms

Body Map

Form for advising of.....

• Issues/Injuries

• Patch applications

• Medication/Cream applications

Visit Time Changes

For when you have….

• Forgotten to logon or off

• When you have logged on or off at the wrong time

• When you have been asked to stay longer or leave earlier

Mileage Recording Form

This is for agreed errands with or for our clients when you are using your own vehicle, not your commute to each client or when using the clients vehicle 

Client Related Expense Claim/Notification Form
For when you have used your own money/card to buy shopping for a client.
If the client has not given you the cash they will be invoiced and you will be repaid within 24 hours
Photographs of receipts are required and must show the date and time.

Accidents & Incidents

Shadowing/Introduction Form

Employee Timesheet

This timesheet is to claim for authorised non-care related activities
(generally for use by office based staff and seniors)

This form is for Right at Home expenses and
not for any client.
(eg Travel to an external meeting/training course, Parking at a conference, Accommodation).
A photo of any receipt or ticket must be attached to validate your claim.

General Forms

Suggestions or Comments

Leave a comment or a suggestion (it’s 100% anonymous if you want, unless you leave your name & email address for a response)

Whistleblowing Form
Tell us about any concern you have.

Holiday/Leave Request
This form now includes an option to reply and easily cancel a request.

Holiday/Leave Cancellation
This form should only be used if you have lost the email with the cancellation link.

Gift Notifications
For notifying the office of
any and all the gifts you receive from any clients, their family members or anyone else in relation to work.

Availability Confirmation

Availability Change

Change of Details

For when you have changed your address, car, phone number, bank details, Next of Kin. 

Self Certification Sickness Form (up to 7 days)
For reporting sickness to the office so you can get sick pay.
Any sickness over 7 days requires a doctors sick note.

Client Complaint Form 
For notifying the office of a complaint from a client, representative or another person

Monthly Forms
When you have gone above and beyond and done something extra to help a client 

For when you have done something magical either at work or outside for work that has made a difference for someone.

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